Shape the future with us.

    We develop, produce, and sell products that influence all of us, and make our lives worth living. Become part of a working culture in which employees are promoted, and the appreciation of each individual plays an important role.

    Experienced professionals
    If you already have professional experience and would like your work to make a difference, you should join our international team. Help to shape the Refratechnik Group's future, and develop your full potential in an inspiring, familial, and progressive environment.

    Find out more
    Refratechnik offers you a unique opportunity to start your career in the world of refractory technologies and industrial minerals with an internship, working student activities, or a dissertation.

    Find out more

    Why Refratechnik?

    Discover why it is worth your while to become part of our worldwide Refratechnik team.

    Refratechnik team benefits
    • Flexible worktime models

    • Modern training and continued education offers

    • Fair payment and social benefits

    • Offers for health and well-being

    • Numerous career paths and development opportunities‎

    • International cooperation

    • Supportive company and management culture

    • Familial atmosphere and mindful togetherness

    • Advancement of modern technologies and digitalisation

    • Promotion of art and science

    What really matters.

    Refratechnik would not exist without people who give their best every day. They support our customers with expertise, visions, innovations and enthusiasm. We are proud to introduce some members of our big family here.

    Refratechnik's philosophy
    It is people who create the basis for trust, honesty, and continuity in our family-owned company. People articulate our high claim as a technical leader who promotes innovation and digitization. People at Refratechnik think and act sustainably, and make our company a reliable partner. And it is people who shape our perception of leadership culture, equal opportunities, and talent promotion.

    For us, people are
    at the center.
    Follow us!
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